Paternity testing may be conducted to confirm the biological relationship between the "Alleged Father" and the tested Child. This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for Child Support and Custody, Birth Certificate, Immigration, Adoption, Tax Forms, Inheritance Rights, and more. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Paternity and Maternity
Paternity and Maternity testing may be conducted to confirm the biological relationship between the "Alleged Father" and the tested Child. The difference is that seperate reports are generated for Paternity and Maternity calculations. This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for Child Support and Custody, Birth Certificate, Immigration, Adoption, Tax Forms, Inheritance Rights, and more. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.
Genetic Reconstruction
Genetic Reconstruction testing may be conducted to confirm the biological relationship relationship between a Child and biological relatives of the Alleged Father, if he is deceased or unavailable for testing. This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

mtDNA Test
mtDNA testing may be conducted to determine whether two or more people are related through their mothers (through the maternal/female line). This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Siblingship testing may be conducted to confirm the biological relationship between the tested "Alleged Siblings" and other parent when the "Alleged Father" is unavailable. This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Maternity testing  may be conducted to see if the "Mother" is the biological mother of the tested Child. This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for Immigration, Adoption, or other situations. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Grandparentage testing may be conducted to confirm the biological relationship between the "Alleged Father" and the tested Child when the "Alleged Father" is unavailable or unwilling and no post-mortem sample is available. This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Avuncular testing may be conducted to determine if two individuals are related to each other as aunt–nephew (or niece) or as uncle–nephew (or niece). This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Y-STR Test
Y-STR testing  may be conducted to determine whether two or more males are related through their fathers (through the paternal/male line). This can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.

Twin Zygosity
Twin Zygosity testing may be conducted to determine whether Twins are identical or fraternal. The results of a twin zygosity test may be used to satisfy personal curiosity as well as to help solve health problems for the twins later down the road. For example, in the event that a twin needs an organ- or tissue-transplant donor, the identical twin is a perfect choice. The test can be done through a legal process or for your information only. When done legally, the results are accepted in courts and legally admissable. You may use the results of a legal test for any legal situation. The legal test can not be done at home.

If you wish to only get results for your information only, it is not legally admissable and will not be accepted in a court. This test can be conducted at home and sent in to the lab for testing. You may also get assistance for testing in our office or a collection site if a testing party may not be in our area.